Do You See Your Managers in the Middle?

Your company needs to run like a fine-tuned engine. And, we all know that relationship-building is a key element of a strong company.

Yet, many small to mid-size companies don’t have a built-in legacy and that’s because, as a company is growing, much focus is invested in training new hires but almost no time is devoted to the managers in the middle. If you are not focusing on them with a devoted program, this is a mistake. They are the key to the future of your company.

Your middle managers are “comfortable”: they are mature, perhaps they have mortgages and are starting to have families — they have a regular stream of bills to pay and they are content to “glide through” their time at your company. Some may not be interested in climbing the ladder. Do not overlook this mid-section: they are the structural underpinning of your company. They are integral to the smooth running of your company, your company culture, and its future.

By creating an environment where they feel noticed and are growing, their well-being will extend above and below. Tailored engagement with this segment of your company boosts moral company-wide and creates a tight-knit fellowship.

Before there is time to build a legacy (for the individual and the company), many small to mid-sized companies will see employees leave after 3 - 5 years. What better investment than seeing them stay?

Ask yourself these important questions:

What do you want to be known for?
How do you build a legacy so it is carried on through time?
Why are your employees coming to work, why are they here, what do they believe in?



What’s Your Calling?


On A Personal Note: Structuring Communication for Success